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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Adam Wangemann

Relationship to Randy Hill:
None. Business associate with Randy Hill's great-great grandfather (paternal), Johann Georg Hill

Adam Wangemann hired George Hill as his substitute in Waul's Texas Legion

(Taken from “History of Texas” published in the late 1800s)

A fact not generally known concerning the State of Texas is, that to no class is its present prosperity more indebted than to the men and women of the  “Fatherland,” who are noted the world over for their honesty and industry.

Among those who have pushed their way to the front, and who are a credit to their native land, is Adam Wangemann, who, although now living a retired life in the city of Brenham, was, for years, one of the active, enterprising and public-spirited business men of Austin County, Texas. He was born august 5, 1829, in the Kingdom of Saxony, Germany, and there remained until the age of fifteen, receiving good educational advantage from the excellent schools of that country. In 1844, when yet a lad, he emigrated with his parents to America and settled in Austin County, Texas, thus being among the early pioneers of the Lone Star State. Here the father purchased a quarter of a league of land, on which he located, and began improving it, and here, after a well-spent life, both he and his wife died. Three sons and two daughters were born to their marriage, only one son and one daughter now living.

Since his fifteenth year, Adam Wangemann has been a resident of Texas, and his knowledge of English had been wholly self-acquired. Although a foreigner by gibrth, Mr. Wangemann’s love for his adopted country led to his enlistment for the war against Mexico, in 1847 as a member of Colonel Jack Hays’ regiment of calvary, and as such he participated in numerous skirmishes and engagements, was in pursuit of guerillas a considerable time, and was at Vera Cruz, Pueblo, and Old Mexico. Returning home at the close of the war, he was not allowed to long remain inactive. In 1849 he went overland to California with the first government expedition sent out to establish a fort along the Rio Grande river, but after seventeen months thus spent here returned overland to Texas via El Paso. While in Austin County he wedded Miss F. Kling, a daughter of Dr. Kling, who was a well-known physician of New Orleans and of German nativity. After his event he settled on the old homestead and engaged in farming until 1838, when he sold out. The spring of 1859 he embarked in mercantile pursuits, which he continued until 1862, when he enlisted in the Confederate cause and became identified with Waul’s Legion as a private. Seven months later he was transferred to an engineering corps, but in order to look after private matters he hired a substitute [George Hill – Author’s note] and returned home. Still later he was induced to again enlist, and during the remainder of the war served in Louisiana and Texas.

Returning to his home, he resumed business with his characteristic energy, which resulted in substantial returns. In 1872 he built the second cotton-seed oil mill in Texas which he conducted with success for five years, when the mill burned and there being no insurance he sustained a loss of approximating $25,000. Nothing daunted, he retuned to  mercantile pursuits, in conjunction with farming, which he continued with gratifying results until 1887. He then sold his store and farm, moved to Brenham, where he purchased property, and built a comfortable home; this has since been his residence. Wile practically retired from the active duties of life, Mr. Wangemann finds plenty of time to look after his many farms, scattered in various counties of the state…he is a stockowner in the First National Bank, of which he is vice president and is properly recognized as one of Washington County’s foremost citizens. While a Democrat in politics, he has never aspired to official position, preferring, during his busy career, to confine his attention wholly to matters of business. He and his wife are the parents of one song and four daughters and grandparents of eighteen. Their son, Arthur, is one of the most prominent business men of Brenham, Mr. Wangemann has been a resident of Texas one year over the half century mark, and his well-known character for honesty and integrity makes him universally respected. While giving him his just dues on this brief sketch, it is not inappropriate to mention that to Mrs. Wangemann he is much indebted for his success in life, for a loving wife, a wise counselor and helpmate in every way worth of the husband.

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